3 ways to come from a place of LOVE
- Categories Mindset
- Date February 14, 2020
Valentine’s Day is today in the US … and many other countries around the world. The focus is not romantic LOVE today.
Yes, the world needs more LOVE.
Coming from a place of LOVE and not FEAR is what I would invite you to consider. This is part of your day to day decision making process.
Unfortunately, the media and news are selling fear and so many people are buying it. Are you one of them? Are you afraid of getting sick, afraid of being robbed, afraid of losing your job, afraid of not having enough money, afraid of not knowing/being enough, afraid of the future for your kids? I think you get the picture.
Our brains are actually programmed to lean towards the negative as a means of survival (think caveman). The media has taken it all to the next level. Most of us are living in fear and don’t even know it.
Being connected 24/7 to our devices doesn’t help much either. Whether it’s the news or social media, we’re being sold fear and negativity on an unprecedented scale.
There are a few things you can do to start changing your perspective. This definitely doesn’t happen overnight. Your brain and thought process have been programmed for however many years you’ve been on this planet. You CAN do it, but it generally takes time and consistent work.
I have had clients who are interested in changing their diet/lifestyle so that they can avoid whatever illness that ‘runs in their family’. Fear based reasoning. For example, are you trying to eat healthy because it gives you a lot of energy and you feel/look good (nourishing your body) OR are you trying to eat healthy because you don’t want to get sick, you don’t want to gain more weight, etc? Do you see the shift in perspective? The first is loving and honoring the body temple that carries you through this life while the second example is fear based.
3 ways to come from a place of LOVE
Stop watching the news. I think I stopped watching the news regularly when I moved to Japan in 1994. I did listen a bit on NPR (National Public radio) when Maya was a baby, but haven’t actively followed the news. There’s a difference between being INFORMED, and INUNDATED. As an alternative, seek out POSITIVE news stories and information. There’s a lot more good going on in the world than mainstream media would lead us to believe.
Look for the good. Not only look for it, expect it. There is good in everyone. It’s not always obvious or visible, but I believe that it’s there. This goes back to the law of attraction, what you think about you bring about. Feelings make this even stronger, so when you feel fear, you bring more of that to you. When you feel love, you’ll get more of that! Make lemonade out of lemons.
LOVE yourself even more. If you want to have more love, be more loving … not only to others, but to yourself. The more you feel love, the easier it is to come from a place of love.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Loving yourself is the foundation, the starting point. Do you take care of your body, mind and spirit. Do you live in integrity with yourself? Have you created a sacred space to live in? Do you talk to yourself in a kind way? Yes, you can override that negative voice (that we all have). It’s not about making it go away, it’s about hearing it and choosing something different. Call it out for not being correct (it’s just trying to keep you safe/protected). Affirmations can be helpful here, especially if you’re just getting started.
Choose ONE of these three things to start with. The one that speaks to you or seems easy to do. Commit to taking action for a minimum of 30 days. Let me know how it goes!