Progress NOT Perfection
- Categories Mindset
- Date April 21, 2020

Do you always want to hit the bull’s eye, the nail on the head, get it exactly right? Does this STOP you from taking action?
Today’s blog is really just a simple PSA (public service announcement) and reminder >> we are HUMAN and by being so we are perfectly imperfect.
Do you need permission to take imperfect action? If so … granted! It’s that easy. There is NO permission, you are ready and capable in this moment.
If you always wait for things to be perfect, you miss out on so much that life has to offer. So much of the magic in life is off the beaten path, in the unexpected, hidden around the corner … you never know where you’ll find it or how you’ll create it.

Progress is almost never going in just one direction. Progress more often looks like a roller coaster, there are ups and downs. You know this if you’ve ever tried to release weight or in any relationship you’ve had. There are good times and things are smooth flowing or weight is being shed. Then there are the hurdles: arguments/disconnection or binging on junk food or stopping your workouts. These things happen in life, this is part of the human experience. Our current global economy and overall state of health is a prime example.
The GOOD NEWS is … that you do have some control over this. You can work on your mindset and create new meanings for what you might call a ‘failure’ or whatever it is that you fear. In my mind, failing in NOT trying. If you try something, it’s a success just for the act of trying. Changing your perspective is half of the battle (if not more!). What does it mean (if anything) when you have a fight with your partner or stop exercising for a week? Reframing and understanding these things in life that we often call ‘negative’ is key.
The other thing you can do is to create more HABITS that really serve you. If you have a habit of drinking enough water or seeing the good in your partner, it’s one less thing you have to think about or make a decision about in the day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about these habits ruling your life. I have a LOT of healthy habits. Do I do them EVERY DAY? Nope. I probably do them 90% of the time but remember … I’m a health coach and have been interested in my health since I was 15!! Create a habit of taking a specific action every day.
I don’t know about you but I feel like I’m on top of the world when I take action. Action creates clarity. So whether you’re a perfectionist or a procrastinator, taking action feels good. It’s ONE step in the right direction. Literally, just ONE step … you don’t have to have the entire path mapped out. You can always course correct as you’re on your path, but the energy of movement is powerful. Nine times out of ten, I realize that the action I just took was SO much easier that I thought it was going to be. I had made it a big deal in my mind (once again … the power of your mindset) as I have historically fallen into the procrastinator category (which is a completely different blog)!

Finally, I’d like to touch on that reminder that you can only start from where you are. This is where ‘compare and despair’ comes into play. I like to use yoga as an example. In any yoga class, you can usually find people who are super flexible and can do all of the poses and look like they belong in a magazine. You can also usually find people who are struggling to do the most basic form of a pose. The thing is … it doesn’t matter what your neighbor is doing. The most important thing is that you are there (taking action) and finding ways to open and stretch YOUR body. For one person touching their toes/the floor is a stretch and for another person touching their knees is a stretch. It doesn’t matter what the stretch looks like … just so there is a stretch!

I hope that this PSA has served you well. That you can go out into the world and be kind to yourself, live your personal truth and take inspired action. Create magic in your life as you are the only one who can do that. What action will you take that you have been putting off? Put it in your calendar and honor it!
If you’d like MORE of this kind of connection, please join me in the Ready For Change Community. The 5 Pillars of Health is included in this for FREE 🙂 The doors are open now!
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