Lemon Essential Oil
- Categories Essential Oils
- Date April 2, 2020
Lemon has been a BIG part of my world for decades now. Ironically, it all started when I was first in Indonesia in 1997!! On the island of Sumatra I found a warm drink that I really loved. I’m not a coffee/black tea drinker so I was looking for something warm to drink. I fell in love with this simple beauty … warm water, fresh lemon, fresh ginger and a touch of honey.
After almost 2 decades of doing this I started thinking about my tooth enamel. I’m no expert on this or anything close to a dentist, but it seemed that after so many years, this might not be the best thing for me. I’ve also had students/friends that are dentists that asked about this as well. Fortunately, essential oils came into my world and I just swapped out fresh lemon for lemon essential oil.
Both the fresh lemon and the essential oil can aid in digestion. Lemon essential oil also aids in cleansing the body and assists the respiratory system. It’s a nice way to start the day and is the first thing I drink in the morning (16 ounces). Now that we’re living in a tropical climate, I pass on the hot part, but I do stick to the lemon. It also smells ridiculously good! It’s fresh, energizing and uplifting.
One note on drinking essential oils in your water, you MUST use a GLASS cup/container or metal and not plastic. If the oil is sitting in plastic it can leach the petrochemicals out of the plastic and into your water. You don’t need more petrochemicals in your world!
Lemon is an excellent oil to diffuse. It is so happy and lively. It brings life and energy to every room. Given its chemical constitution, it has been shown to improve your mood as well. It can also help to clean the air and remove unwanted odors … what’s not to love about that?
It is also beneficial to the skin as it can help to exfoliate your skin. When added to your personal hygiene routine, it can help to give your skin a refreshed, healthy looking glow. If you are interested in adding lemon to your personal skin care routine, please only use it at night. The citrus oils are photosensitive and you want to avoid the sun for 12 hours after applying!
Lemon is a great CLEANER as it helps break up sticky messes (think kids and stickers) in a jiff. Not just sticky messes, but anything with grease. Just like it can pull the petrochemicals from a plastic, it breaks up grease with grace and ease. You can use it on it’s own or you can use it to make a serious scrub or something to wipe down the counters with. Lemon could be your new best friend in the kitchen and bathroom.
The citrus oils in general are some of my favorites. I’m always rotating different oils or combinations of oils in my water. If you would like to learn more about lemon essential oil OR any essential oil, I’d be happy to talk with you. Click the link below and schedule a time to talk. If you currently aren’t using essential oils, you don’t know what you’re missing. It’s so worth giving them a try.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.